Friday, February 27, 2009


i bet one of your friend or one of your family or one of your classmates or one of your neighbor or maybe it's YOU.
have a body obsession as me..
check your diary and did you find a words like : i must go on diet !,no chocolate starts now,i want to be like ******,etc..

self respect !
self respect ! - by nadalicious on

why i do not have body such a model..
why why or whyyy ?
when i went to a shops and looked some dress which wore in the mannequin
perfect,fit on the body,and there's no fat in the stomach,hand,or thigh..
but when i tried to wear that dress..
a pregnant mannequin..
and then i promised to my self to go on diet and get that looks..
steal that mannequin looookksss ! :p

back to my story..
but after i've leaved that shops..
(whisper) i forgot my promise.. hahahaha
and always like that..
i want to lose my weight but i don't want to leave my lovely chocolate..

I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it. ~Author Unknown

and until now i still obsessed to have a skin body like jessica stam.. :day dreaming..:
obviously pas kita nonton fashion tv,america's/britain/ausralia next top model,and fashion show yg modelnya bikin ngiri semua..pasti kita berdecak kagum with her walk,style,body,hair,face,make-up,anything ! from head to toe..
is that a doll or a human ?
god handmade mashaAllah.. :)
(klo kata my brother..dibikinnya pake tanah pilihan..)
soo alamiah bgt klo kita jd pen punya tampilan kaya gitu..
makanya good news banget skarang mulai banyak negara yang mematok tu model spy ga too skinny..
karena model2 itu banyak dijadiin contoh buat para remaja di dunia ini..
seperti kita2 ini (zzzzzzzz)

model look..
model look.. - by nadalicious on

When we lose twenty pounds... we may be losing the twenty best pounds we have! We may be losing the pounds that contain our genius, our humanity, our love and honesty. ~Woody Allen

she is thin and i am not :(
she is thin and i am not :( - by nadalicious on

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. ~Author Unknown

true quotes :)
now i will tell you a scary stories about a model dies because anorexia,eating disorder..
first is
Ana Carolina Reston, 21 years old..

too pretty..
sumpah cantik bgt..
meninggal pas ada fashion show di prancis
dirawat dirumah sakit selama 3 minggu tp nyawanya ga tertolong..
ternyata dia itu menjalani diet apple and tomatoes..
harus meninggal di usia semuda itu bener2 nakutin..
but that's life..

second,Eliana Ramos, 18 years old.. EIGHT TEEN !
ditemuin meninggal ditempat tidurnya.. found dead from extreme dieting six months after her sister,Luisel Ramos,22 years old (she is a model too)..can you imagine how them parents feels ? lost their 2 children..kabarnya mereka diet habis2an karena ngejar size-0 for a model..ZERO SIZE ? ckckckckkc


Amy Leanne Gretner
Died September 2004
Aged 15

Catherine Dunbar
Died January 1984
Aged 22

Samantha and Michaela Kendall
Died October 1997 & April 1994 respectively
Aged 25 and 22

Rudine Howard
Died 1994
Aged 32

Michael Krasnow
Died October 1997
Aged 26

Karen Anne Carpenter
Died February 1983
Aged 32

i think it's enough,it makes me scared..
but we must to know about this..
it's a fact..
sooo we must keep our body and our mind to be HEALTH..
don't be too thin and don't be too fat..
something too much is not good,isn't it ? :)

and if you are too fat and want to lose some weight ..
the key of the successful is a RESPONSIBILITY ..
and go to a doctor to make sure you'll get an appropiate diet :)
don't forget..

(i'll try tooo :))

try !
try ! - by nadalicious on

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm hiehiehiehie (nyengarnyengir sambil gulangguling)...

sometimes manusia memang susah untuk bersyukur..for some reasons, mereka selalu melihat keatas dan keatas hingga tak menyadari apa yang ada dibawah mereka...

fisik yang sesempurna mungkin diberikan oleh sang pencipta untuk dijaga dan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya tanpa harus menyakiti fisik itu sendiri..menurut pelajaran biologi yang pernah saya dapat, wanita dewasa memang memiliki kecenderungan untuk memiliki lemak lebih banyak daripada pria yang berkecenderungan memiliki otot, hal ini tentu ada tujuannya.

Lemak atau yg lebih dikenal dengan lipid berfungsi sebagai cadangan makanan, penyimpan energi serta merupakan struktur utama dari membran setiap jenis sel.

Pada kenyataannya lemak sering terlihat dan mengganggu penampilan fisik seseorang apabila dibiarkan terlalu banyak menumpuk akibat kurangnya gerak dan OLAHRAGA..

kekurangan lemak menyebabkan transportasi metabolik sumber energi menjadi lambat sehingga menyebabkan lack of energy or dalam bahasa ilmiahnya disebut "lemes".

wanita yang kekurangan lemak alias kurus ternyata lebih berpotensi mengidap darah rendah dan gejala lemes melulu.hal tersebut pastinya membuat hidup ini menjadi kurang bergairah bukan? oh iya tentu sajaa

program diet sama susahnya dengan menumbuhkan bulu di wajah orang jepang..anda tidak percaya?buktikan saja sendiri, saya sih ogah...tentunya hal diet ini membutuhkan kesabaran dan dukungan penuh dari keluarga maupun PACAR...

intinya..penampilan fisik bukan segalanya..yang penting kan sehat :)

ps : btw posturnya sandra tuh mirip sama model yang fotonya dijadiin judul blog ini..tepatnya yg ditengah..duh lagi2 fisik bukan segalanya ya nad...apa kabar ya INNERBEAUTY ?
